Friday, July 22, 2011


“Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many signs and wonders were taking place through the apostles.” Acts 2:43

The first spark of salvation ignites a fresh fire and passion for the LORD. The 3,000 newly saved souls in Acts 2 were aflame with the love of their God, and “everyone kept feeling a sense of awe”. In addition, “many signs and wonders were taking place through the apostles.” As I read this verse, the word “through” practically leaped off of the page. Nothing the apostles did was by their own strength or might. They were simply conduits of the Holy Spirit's power, and God was constantly doing amazing things among them.
If our God is the same yesterday, today and forever, why is it that our fire and sense of awe fades over time? In my life, it seems as if I'm often not as excited, passionate, or zealous for the things of God as I was when I first was saved.
Recently, I have found that it is simply because I do not always give God the glory He deserves. The early Church understood that the work of the apostles were not done by human strength, but God's. I, however, will sometimes forget to acknowledge that very fact. When someone is infulenced by something I said or did, I need to give God the glory. When I accomplish something worthwhile, I have to know it was God working. When I am able to look outside at the beautiful Montana landscape from the windows of Potter's Field Ranch, I need to remember that it was God alone who created it all and called me here.
Nothing godly, righteous, or good that I have ever done or will ever do is of myself. And when I remember that, I cannot help but be returned to a childlike sense of awe.

Psalm 68:35
“O God, you are awesome from your sanctuary. The God of Israel Himself gives strength and power to the people. Blessed be God!”
July 19, 2011

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