Thursday, September 8, 2011


And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you have been sealed for the day of redemption.” Ephesians 4:30

Last night, the interns and some of the staff from Potter's Field Ranch went to Skull Church. It is an outreach put on once a month in Kalispell, Montana. Lights, graphics, and a concert draw in hearts to hear the salvation message. As we walked in, there was a man sitting by himself in the row in front of me. I immediately felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to pray for him. I didn't know whether he knew Jesus or not, but the call to prayer was still there. So, I prayed for him throughout the service.
At the end of the message, he walked forward and accepted Christ. I started crying, rejoicing that God had heard my prayers and the man was saved. I then prayed that God would somehow provide an opportunity for me to talk to him. Then, right as we were about to leave, I saw him outside of the building getting prayer. As I figured out that it was him, he started to walk back into the crowd. I quickly told someone in my group that I’d be right back, and I ran after him. When I caught up to him, I was out of breath, and he looked confused as I tried to talk to him. I introduced myself, and found out that his name was Colin. I then told him that I had been led by the Holy Spirit to pray for him and I was able to encourage him in the Lord. He was on the brink of tears as I told him all of this, overwhelmed by the love of God and obviously a new creation. There was a new life in his eyes, and I was blessed beyond words to be in that moment.
As I read this verse in Ephesians, I began to think about Colin. What if I had ignored the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and failed to pray for him? I don't know if wouldn't have accepted Christ last night, but I do know that there is power in prayer. God does not need me, for He is all powerful, and His will will be done, no matter what I do. However, He wants to bless me by using me for the advancement of His kingdom. God saved Colin, and He blessed me by allowing me to be a part of it.
I also know that if I would have ignored the call to prayer, I would have grieved the Holy Spirit. God was trying to bless me and use me, and it would have deeply saddened Him if I had pushed away His gentle prompting and didn't pray for Colin.
It is humbling to think about how many times I have done just that. I have failed to pray for someone or do something because I didn't want the conviction, other things seemed more important, or I cared too much about what others thought about me. I am also humbled when I remember that God has amazing grace. He constantly provides opportunities for me to step out in faith and respond to the prompting of His Holy Spirit.
I will continue to pray for these opportunities, and ask my Jesus to use me more and more. I also need to not hesitate when the Holy Spirit is prompting me to do something. I want my life to bring glory to Him, and put a smile on His face.

Ephesians 5:8, 10
“For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of the light... and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord.”

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